Corporate Governance

Code for Independent Directors : Download
Code of Conduct for BOD and Senior Management Personnel : Download
Code of Conduct for Prohibition of Insider Trading : Download
Code of Practices and Procedures for Fair Disclosure of UPSI : Download
Criteria for making payment to NED : Download
Familiarization Programme for Independent Directors : Download
Nomination and Remuneration Policy : Download
Performance Evaluation Policy : Download
Policy for Determining Material Subsidiaries : Download
Policy for Group Company : Download
Policy on Board Diversity : Download
Policy on Materiality of Related Party Transactions : Download
Policy on Orderly Succession Planning of BOD and Senior Management : Download
Policy on Preservation and Archival of Documents : Download
Policy on Prevention of Sexual harrassment at Workplace : Download
Risk Management Policy : Download
Terms and Conditions of Appointment of IDs : Download
Whistle Blower_Vigil Mechanism Policy : Download
Policy on Materiality of Events : Download